Many small businesses’ marketing desires exceed their marketing budget. You will be happy to know that effective marketing doesn’t have to break the bank. When your company is just getting off the ground, you will find yourself having to choose how to allocate limited capital – you know you need to spend money to get customers, but you don’t have a lot to spend.
There are 6 easy tactics you can implement to conserve money and produce results. Here’s how:
√ Leverage organic social media - organic social media is any social activity without paid advertisements. It builds and engages with online followers solely through your actions. Organic social serves as a strong foundation for any social media strategy. It nurtures your relationship with your customers or audience, establishes, and grows your brand where people are already spending their time.
√ Share quality content - Create blogs, how-to, checklists or share articles on topics that are relevant to your business and audiences. Show that you are the expert in your field. Great content is free!
√ Stay active and consistent on social media - being consistent with relevant content will improve your digital presence and your search results.
√ Create and maintain a subscriber list - Collect email addresses of your active subscribers. Many of them are likely your current customers but some will be potential customers; nurture them both. These are people who want to hear from you so talk to them. Again, make sure your content is relevant and something recipients find valuable.
√ Network - Building relationships is one of the easiest and most effective ways to identify sources for opportunities that help grow your business. People do business with people they know and like. Networking allows you to foster relationships and build that trust.
√ Encourage Referrals - Referrals are powerful tools to acquire new customers without making a big dent in your marketing budget. Potential customers are more likely to trust you based on a referral, knowing their friend or colleague had a positive experience. Referrals significantly reduce, and in some cases eliminate, customer acquisition costs.
These marketing tools, which do not require a large budget, can make a positive impact on your business with commitment and consistency.